April 2023
Romeo & Juliet: A Queer Abridged Retelling
Emily co-produced and starred as Romeo in a queer, playful, and sock puppet filled adaptation of Romeo & Juliet in Central Park. The show was produced by The Fortnight Project: A femme-led theater collective, of which Emily is a founding member.
More about The Fortnight Project here
January 2021
Emily acted in Mosaic Theater of DC’s Zoom production of #Enough plays to end gun violence. These are important plays, written by grade school writers, about how their lives are shaped by gun violence in America.
June 2021
The Hat Cart
Emily premiered her self-written show The Hat Cart at Denver Fringe Festival and OKC Theater Crude Festival online.
The Hat Cart is a comedic feminist memoir about undergoing an identity crisis and going back in time to relive a summer job in hopes she will find herself again. In her interview with WestWord Magazine, she explains “My hat cart experience was mostly good and silly, but it was also my introduction to objectification.”
Read the full article here